It’s not news that the current U.S. President rose from political obscurity by stoking fear of immigrants, and then started a head-on assault on immigration rights as soon as he took office.
He’s found stiff resistance from many quarters, not the least of which is from the National Immigration Law Center, also known simply as NILC. With offices is Los Angeles and Washington, DC, NILC has a long history of protecting immigrants and promoting immigration rights. The organization approaches this task in three ways: legal action, policy advocacy, and building a movement through strategic communication with various constituencies.
NILC has been rapidly ramping up since the 2016 election. Public Interest Management Group has been supporting this effort, which has taken off. NILC has increased its profile and action across its program areas, with some positive results to show for it.
The Dreamers butterfly logo symbolizes the fight for DACA.
PIMG’s work has focused on assessing internal operations, identifying capacity and infrastructure needs for growth, and conducting financial modeling of staff and organizational changes to take place over the next few years. The overarching goal is for NILC to grow sustainably – that is, to address urgent needs in the short-term, while also building a robust organization for the long-term. NILC has approached this process with thoughtfulness and a commitment to the organization’s core values.
Scott Schaffer and Deborah Edward have led this consulting work. Rapid growth is no small task, and NILC’s leadership has been intimately involved.
Board Chair Sara Gould stated that, “PIMG’s work with NILC resulted in a detailed blueprint for growth and higher impact, equipping us to move boldly in this very challenging and demanding environment.”
NILC leadership recognizes the enormity of the task before everyone who believes in a just and inclusive nation: We’re just a year into a Trump Presidency that has been chaotic, unpredictable, and hostile to immigration. Clearly this will be a work in progress, and there are also many positive signs.
PIMG is proud to call NILC a client, and we look forward to seeing many more great things in 2018 and beyond. We’re in a dark period of U.S. history, but history’s only constant is change. We may emerge stronger as a result, and if we do, NILC will be part of that story.