The World is in Flux. What's Next for Nonprofits?

Coming out of a pandemic and the economic disruptions that entailed, we knew 2025 would be different. We didn’t know how. Now that it’s arrived, it’s clear that these are not ordinary times.

So, are we blessed to live in interesting times? Let’s hope so. But savvy nonprofit leaders will get ahead of whatever disruptions lie ahead and proactively work to build resilience—as opposed to waiting to see what happens and then reacting.

It’s a time for big questions, for example:

  • Does your organization need to grow to meet escalating needs or crises?

  • Do you have opportunities to build scale and effectiveness?

  • Will restructuring help you resolve internal dissonance or right-size your operational infrastructure?

  • Do you have the right revenue mix and adequate financial reserves?

  • Is this the right time to consider merger or alignment with another nonprofit?

  • How can you retain your best staff and attract new talent within a limited budget?

PIMG can help you process these questions and identify solutions through data-driven services. After a busy few years, we’ve refreshed our service offerings.

Strategic Business Planning is an affordable alternative to traditional strategic planning that can prepare you for the known and unknown.

Merger and Restructuring services can help you make smart decisions and implement them in a professional, thorough manner.

Compensation analysis can help you navigate a treacherous labor market. Organizational assessment can reveal how you align with best nonprofit management practices and set priorities for internal change. Stakeholder engagement services can help you connect with key constituencies and gain valuable data for strategic decisions.

The common thread here is that we can help you get ahead of the challenges and position your organization for success, whatever obstacles or opportunities you may encounter down the road.

Interested in a conversation? Drop us a line and start a dialogue.