How do we know what works? Introducing “Organizational Assessment 2.0”

In an effort to help Public Interest Management Group clients understand what actions can most productively move their organizations forward, we sought an objective basis to determine needs and the importance of different practices in promoting the success of a nonprofit. The result is a fresh approach to organizational assessment. We detail our methodology in a just-released paper, Success Factors for Nonprofit Organizations.

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Innovation—Separating Truth from Hype

Our culture seems to love the idea that big innovations and charismatic innovators drive change. But most good ideas and most useful innovations are, in fact, incremental. The world we know is the product of systematic, continuous improvement, not huge jumps. This is how innovation happens in the nonprofit sector. We should recognize and celebrate small, non-headline improvements, and exercise caution in embracing big new ideas or people who claim to have “the answer.” The next generation comes from all of us.

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