It's hiding in plain sight. One of the biggest constraints nonprofit leaders face is a lack of generative thinking time. That's where the energy of successful organizations comes from. We need to make room for that time. Then, how can we best use it?
Read moreNonprofit Management Truths and Myths Revisited
Conventional wisdom abouts in the nonprofit sector. But what “wisdom’ is true and what’s myth? We take a tour through the research for a little truth-finding and myth-busting.
Read moreSurvey of Nonprofit Leaders Paints a Picture of Resilience
PIM Group conducted a survey of nonprofit leaders about the impacts of COVID on their organizations and themselves. The results might surprise you.
Read moreAnatomy of a Successful Merger
We’ve documented a nonprofit merger from start to finish, in all its nuances. The result is a case study that has resulted in a thriving Wisconsin chapter of Big Brothers Big Sisters.
Read moreGliding Through Calamity
Pandemic. Global warming. Racial reckoning. Economy in tatters. Nonprofit management is a unique challenge in 2020. Here are 5 practical tips for leading your organization in a time of turmoil.
Read moreThree Questions to Consider About Nonprofit Merger
Time to broach the M-Word? Merger is a strategy many nonprofits should be thinking about. I recommend that organizational leaders consider three fundamental questions as a conversation-starter.
Read moreNonprofits Face a Financial Crisis: You Can Craft a Survival Guide
The nonprofit sector faces a bona fide financial crisis in the COVID era. Here, we chart a process by which leaders of nonprofit organizations can craft their own survival guides.
Read moreFive Board Dysfunctions that Create Chaos
Nonprofit boards can be engaged in the wrong ways, and this can harm the organization. Looking at recent research findings, this article explores 5 dysfunctions of boards commonly found in less successful organizations.
Read moreReady for the Recession?
Nonprofits will be deeply affected by a recession. This article discusses what impacts are likely, and how nonprofit leaders can plan proactively, to help emerge stronger than before.
Read moreNonprofit Leaders Weigh-In on Paths to Improved Management
Public Interest Management Group and the Nonprofit Association of Oregon partnered on a research study on best management practices. We set up a series of six focus groups in diverse geographies across Oregon. Several important themes emerged from these discussions.
Read moreFive Myths About Nonprofit Leadership
There are lots of ideas out there about what makes a nonprofit leader effective. Some popular ideas turn out to be wrong. Here we review five commonly held myths about nonprofit leadership.
Read moreFall Executive Director Workshops in Seattle and Sacramento
Scott Schaffer will be leading PIMG’s daylong workshop, Strategic Financial Management for Nonprofit Executives, in Seattle and Sacramento this fall. Read this blog for details.
Read moreReturn of the Hedgehog
Jim Collins’ book Good to Great introduced a powerful concept in management management strategy. Named for the humble, nocturnal hedgehog, which has sustained as a species for millions of years, the book is as relevant as ever. The Hedgehog Concept can be valuable for nonprofits, and in this entry I talk about why.
Read moreAdapting to the Trump Era: Building Resilience Amid Chaos
Trump is our asteroid. The questions nonprofit leaders need to ask are: Can we adapt rapidly? And, if not, will our organization become irrelevant? Adaptation may require rapid deployment of new programs, immediate expansion or reallocation of resources, engagement with new partners, or mobilizing constituents in short order. Resilient organizations will survive, and may even be stronger when this chapter ends.
Read moreJoining the Resistance: 4 Ways Nonprofits Can Advocate for Change
Now, more than ever, all nonprofits need to engage in advocacy as a strategy to serve their communities and support their missions. Contrary to a widely-held myth, 501(c)(3) organizations are not prohibited from advocacy. Further, nonprofits are vital intermediaries in the public policy process. Here I offer 4 practical ways mission-based organizations can incorporate advocacy into their work.
Read moreTrump and The Myth of the Charismatic Leader
Over 61 million people voted for a would-be strongman, who conveyed a charismatic, hyper-masculine style. Does this in reality translate into effective leadership? A growing body of research suggests it does not. Public Interest Management Group's own applied research shows that externally-focused nonprofit CEOs do not, in fact, have greater success than internally-focused counterparts. Strong leadership can take many forms, and we - nonprofit search committees and voters - need to look beyond cliches and gut reactions in identifying effective leaders.
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